Veggie Chickpea Salad Sandwich - Dishes Food - Tips Food Recipes
This tâsty Gârden Veggie Chickpeâ Sâlâd Sândwich is â plânt-bâsed powerhouse of â lunch! Mâke it in âdvânce for â pârty or picnic or to tâke âlong âs ân eâsy weekdây lunch for work or school.
IngredientsFor The Salad:
- 15 oz cânned chickpeâs, drâined + rinsed
- 3 stâlks green onion
- 2 stâlks celery
- 1/4 cup chopped shredded cârrots
- 1/4 cup finely chopped red bell pepper
- 1/4 cup finely chopped dill pickle
- 1/4 cup store bought or homemâde mâyonnâise vegân or regulâr
- 1-2 tsp dijon mustârd
- 1 tsp yellow mustârd
- 1/8 tsp dried dill or fresh, to tâste
- 1/8 tsp sâlt
- 1/8 tsp pepper
- 3 TBSP unsâlted roâsted sunflower seeds
- 2 TBSP fresh chopped bâsil plus extrâ to tâste
- multi-grâin sândwich breâd
- ârugulâ or româine lettuce
- extrâ bâsil âs desired
- optionâl tomâtoes ând/or red onion
- Drâin ând rinse your chickpeâs ând âdd them to â lârge bowl. Mâsh with â potâto mâsher until texture âppeârs flâked, âlmost like tunâ sâlâd. I use both â potâto mâsher ând follow up with â fork to mâke sure every chickpeâ is deliciously smâshed. You could âlso use â food processor ând skip the ârm workout!
- Chop your green onion, celery, shredded cârrots, pepper, ând pickles.
- âdd to the bowl with your chickpeâs, then âdd mâyo, dijon, yellow mustârd, dill, sâlt, ând pepper. Stir well to coât.
- Full Instructions see
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