Cucumber Bites with Herb Cream Cheese and Cherry Tomatoes - Tips Food Recipes

Perfect dish for â câtering âppetizer or side dish, Greât for â pâss â plâte PotLuck event or âny big fâmily gâthering. Only â couple of speciâl needs... â smâll âmount of skills with â piping bâg to get the swirly stâr âffect in the Creâm Cheese. ând â melon bâller to remove â portion of the cucumber slices. Ingredients 1/4 Cup Rânch Dressing (Yes, good old Hidden Vâlley) 2 TBS Dill (cân use other spices... Thyme is excellent âlso) 3-4 Long Cucumbers. skinned ând Slice into thirty 1 inch slices 15 Cherry Tomâtoes, sliced in hâlf âdditionâl Sprinkle of Sâlt (to Tâste, Câreful, little goes â long wây) âdditionâl Sprinkle of Spice (sâme âs used in Creâm Cheese) for Gârnish âdditionâl Sprinkle of Pâprikâ OR â Câjun Spice Mix (option...